By recognizing today's emerging leaders, we aim to support their growth while celebrating their achievements, creating a strong foundation from which water utilities can address tomorrow's sustainability challenges. The Award recognizes municipal and utility employees who have demonstrated promise and creativity in advancing meaningful cultural change in the areas of sustainability, equity, or community engagement. Awardees will receive a $1,500 stipend to support their leadership training and professional development and will have exclusive access to professional development opportunities through WaterNow. The 2025 Emerging Leader Award recipients will be invited to accept their awards at the Awards Ceremony this summer.
In selecting award winners, WaterNow looks for nominees who have demonstrated leadership skills in sustainable, equitable, and innovative approaches to engagement with their water systems and their communities. Past winners have led projects supporting water conservation education and audits to minimize inefficient water use, managing their community’s lead service line replacement program, or revitalizing green infrastructure programs to ensure equitable access to flood safety.
Nominate an emerging leader.