By Laura Wing, City of Thornton
Colorado WaterWise is proud to announce the Colorado Water – Live Like you Love It Toolkit! The Colorado Water – Live Like You Love It Toolkit is designed to turn water into gold…at least as precious as gold in the eyes of Coloradans. Extensive research conducted by CWCB and other water interests in the state has shown that Coloradans, particularly younger and minority audiences, do not have a good grasp of basic water facts. Another challenge is educating an increasing number of newcomers to Colorado on the fact that water here is scarce and is becoming the new “gold” of our economy.
Recognizing that Colorado is one of the few western states without a statewide, unified, water message platform, Colorado WaterWise created the first phase of a Communication Toolkit to arm its members with compelling messaging and attractive packaging of those messages to bolster our state’s water communications efforts. The ultimate goal of the Toolkit is to make an emotional connection between Coloradans and the water they need to sustain the quality of their lives.
Colorado WaterWise solicited input from stakeholders from around the State to develop the first phase of the Toolkit, which includes a program name, slogan and logo, a general fact sheet, an animated video, print/digital ad, Facebook page, and three Colorado “Fourteener” fact sheets that provide hands-on conservation and water quality tips. The materials encourage the audience to Conserve (reduce water use), Care (protect water quality) and Commit (learn more and make your voice heard).
Colorado WaterWise is providing the Toolkit to its members and would like to see the materials used by water professionals and educators to complement their own educational materials. Co-branding is encouraged to build long-lasting message recognition. Or, if an organization is launching a new water awareness program, the logo and materials are a great way to get it started. The idea is to share it with as many people as possible and work with partners to move into the next phase which includes more materials, such as a website, topic specific infographics, social media, and more.
To join the movement and Live Like You Love It, Like Love Colorado Water on Facebook or follow it on Twitter at @LoveCOWater.
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