Colorado WaterWise Lunch n' Learn Series
Colorado WaterWise is starting up a Brown Bag Luncheon Learn series this year! Our first event will be held:
Date: March 12th
Topic: Federal Energy Management Program and Best Practices for Water Comprehensive Water Management
Guest Speaker: Kate McMordie Stoughton,
Water Efficiency Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Time: 12 pm gathering, Presentation 12:30 – 1:30
Location Change: Aurora Central Library, Community Room - 14949 E. Alameda Pkwy., Aurora, CO
This event is FREE to members and non-members.
Bring your lunch, invite your colleagues, and join us!
Register for the event
About this presentation: Per Executive Order 13514, Federal agencies are required to reduce potable water use intensity by 2% annually through 2020 for a total of 26%, and reduce non-potable water used in industrial, landscaping, and agricultural applications by 2% annually through 2020, for a total of 20%. Department Of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) provides Federal agencies with technical assistance, training, tools, and resources on ways to save energy and water that help agencies meet their mandated goals. FEMP has a web page dedicated to providing technical information on water efficiency to help Federal agencies meet these goals, as well as two comprehensive water trainings that are free and self-paced and that offer CEUs.
Kate McMordie Stoughton is a water efficiency engineer with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, specializing in Federal water management. Kate currently leads the water efficiency team for PNNL. Kate provides water management expertise to Federal programs such as DOE Federal Energy Management Program, Army, DOE Appliance and Commercial Equipment Standards Program and General Services Administration. Her work includes the development of strategic plans for water management at Federal sites, technology evaluations and demonstrations, training, and Federal policy guidance in water management. Ms. McMordie holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Colorado.